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Grants and Awards

 Naseej Academy Award for Outstanding Paper at the Special Libraries Association-Arabian Gulf Chapter (SLA-AGC) Conference

​​For more than a decade, this prestigious award recognizes the distinguished researchers in the libraries and information field in the Arab region, who submit their research papers in the SLA-AGC annual conference, contributing to development and innovation in this vital field. Over the years, this Award has been won by an elite of outstanding information and libraries leaders; thus, confirming its privileged position.

Naseej Academy Award aims to:

  • Drive scholarly research: encourage in-depth research and studies in the field of libraries and information; which contribute to the development of practices and keeping pace with the latest global trends.
  • Recognition of innovation and creativity: recognize pioneering and creative ideas that provide effective solutions to the field's challenges under the accelerated digital transformation.
  • Enable Arab Competencies: support and develop information and library professionals in the Arab world, while enhancing their contribution​ to building up the knowledge community.

Who can apply?

The award welcomes applications from researchers, specialists and academics in the information and libraries sector, who submit valuable papers in the events of the SLA-AGC conference.

Award Categories:

  • Naseej Academy award for outstanding paper submitted by academics and post-graduate students.
  • Naseej Academy award for outstanding paper submitted by professionals (standard: working in information institutions as an admin. or professional)

Naseej Academy: Commitment to Knowledge Community Support

Naseej Academy springs from Naseej’s vision: “To Harness the Power of Digital Transformation in Learning & Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development of our Communities”

 This award is an integral part of Naseej’s inherent commitment to supporting knowledge development in the Arab world by sponsoring inspiring programs and activities.

The Award: Investment in the Knowledge's Future​

Naseej Academy Outstanding Paper Award is not just a recognition; it is a strategic investment in the future of information and libraries.
 The Award encourage excellence and innovation, and contributes to building up a pro-development and growth in this vital field. 
The winning papers will be celebrated in the SAL-AGC conference. Winners’ information will be published in various forums and social media.  
As well, each winning paper will receive a nominal financial reward.