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 Naseej Academy Launches Two Workshops in Collaboration with Special Libraries Association – Arabian Gulf Chapter

Naseej Academy launched two professional workshops, in collaboration with the Special Libraries Association – Arabian Gulf Chapter (SLA–AGC), organized as part of the 23rd Annual Conference & Exhibition of the SLA–AGC, held on March 5–6, 2017, at the Diplomat Radisson Blu Hotel, Isa Cultural Center, Kingdom of Bahrain.
The first workshop, on the theme "The Vital Engagement of the University Library Accreditation Process", was moderated by Dr. Amal Mostafa, Associate Professor in Library and Information Science at Cairo University, and University Librarian and member of the Accreditation Committee, Area 6 (learning resources), Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAFU).
The workshop addressed the following key topics:
  • Accreditation – its types, levels and organizations.
  • The importance of accreditation for both libraries and universities.
  • Accreditation standards, requirements, processes and procedures from the library perspective.
  • Examples of Library Self-Evaluation Reports (LSERs): Discussion groups.
  • Library Self-Evaluation Reports (LSERs): Requirements and procedures.

The second workshop, "Market Your Library Service: To thrive, or not to thrive: that is the question", was moderated by Dr. Clara M. Chu, Director and Mortenson Distinguished Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA).
The workshop addressed the following key topics:
  • Identifying the target audience and community needs.
  • Creating targeted marketing messages that speak directly to the needs of the community.
  • The best/proper methods and techniques for reaching out to the community.
  • Developing a marketing strategy: Case studies and practical exercises.
  • The best/proper practices for identifying and using marketing channels effectively.
  • Tips for thinking – and marketing – out of the box.
  • Implementing new marketing plans and ideas in your library.

Participants had the chance to visit Isa Cultural Center and to learn more about its history, objectives, organizational structure and services.

Naseej Academy launches two professional workshops in collaboration with the Special Libraries Association – Arabian Gulf Chapter, organized alongside the 23rd Annual Conference & Exhibition of the SLA\AGC, for two days on March 5-6, 2017 1 No