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 "Innovation in Library Design: Reimagining The Space" Roundtable



Roundtable Themes​

  • Flexible and Multiuse Spaces: Designing areas that can serve multiple functions and adapt to different activities.
  • Community-Centric Design: Creating welcoming environments that foster community interaction and engagement, including sensory spaces.
  • Biophilic Design: Striving to reconnect people with nature and exploring its impact on mental health and physical well-being.
  • Furniture Selection: Choosing pieces that enhance comfort, usability, and aesthetic appeal.
  • The Role of Library Leaders in the Design Process.

​ Speaker​s

Mr. Ayub Khan, MBE, FRSA, FCILIP 

  • Director of Designing Libraries and published author (ex. Better By Design: An Introduction to Planning, Designing and Developing Library Buildings).
  • Ayub will facilitate the round table and start with an overview of library design trends before introducing guest speakers and their case studies.

Ms. Daniela Hislop  

  • Daniela is the passionate CEO of The Design Concept
  • She leads a team of innovative, award-winning designers and has 25 years of international experience and a track record of prestigious library designs.

Ms. Karen Latimer 

  • Library Building Consultant who brings a wealth of experience and expertise to Designing Libraries. 
  • She is a past Chair of the DL Advisory Group and the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Standing Committee.
  • Former Secretary of the European LIBER Architecture Group. 
  • She is also a Trustee of the Architectural Heritage Fund, the Irish Architectural Archive, and two Historic Buildings Trusts.

    Mr. Béchir Souid  

    • Head of AP’ Culture Co.​, France.
    • Museology consultant, Space Planner and Interpretive Planner.
    • Member of the International Council of Museums ICOM.
    • More than 30 years of experience.​